So many tasty healthier desserts out there. Imagine eating a delicious dessert that’s good for you or atleast better than conventional desserts.
Try these amazing cheesecakes from ‘This Rawsome Vegan Life’ Enjoy!
‘Ey, babes! This recipe is bomb. It’s creamy, decadent, sweet and full of wholesome stuff your body wants (like nuts, chocolate and chai spices). I know I flip flop a lot on what to call vegan cheesecakes: I’ve gone through phases of not caring, to preferring to call them cheeZecakes, to labelling them as cream cakes, and now I’ve gone full circle and am back to calling them cheesecakes because while no, they don’t contain any DAIRY cheese, they ARE vegan cheesecake! I’ve stopped calling plant-based meats and cheeses “fake”, and now I simply refer to them as vegan meats and cheeses, because that is what they are. This recipe is everything you want a cheesecake to be, it’s just not made with dairy. I’m not a baby cow. I’m a grown ass human being who has access to non-dairy milk, nuts, rice, oats, fruits, veggies and more – so I make the choice to eat vegan foods because it’s less damaging to the planet, and more compassionate to our animal pals. Going vegan isn’t gonna save the world, but it’s a small step towards a more conscientious lifestyle for those of us who can make it. Please eat as many of these cheesecakes as you want.