We don’t have to label ourselves as anything! I like to have a flexible diet.
—-I try to reduce meat, dairy, grains and convenience foods. Always trying to be more plant based! This way I know I’m promoting health, and helping towards climate change and reducing my contribution towards factory farming.
——My flexibility allows me to fit into social occasions instead of feeling isolated!
—-When I have control I try to follow the above! My focus is always hydration, lots of vegetables raw and cooked, fruit, fermented foods, nuts & seeds, good fat like avocado and seaweed! If I go to a friends and they’ve made lasagne, fantastic!
——I’m not perfect and won’t pretend I am, but I try to be mindful. It’s about balance!
—-Ensure you get lots of nutrients in on a daily basis!
——Focus on the good stuff and all the things you can eat, so there is not much room for the things that aren’t so good for you! 😊