
Liver and Gall Bladder Flush

By September 2, 2014 April 16th, 2015 No Comments

Liver and Gall Bladder Flush

We are planning to do a liver and gall bladder DETOX and want you to join us!

Important – Do not attempt the liver and gall bladder flush if you are unwell, pregnant or on strong medication. Always seek medical advice before commencing if you are unsure.

The liver is your largest and one of the most important organs in your body. Its job is to CLEAN and filter the blood coming from your digestive tract, removing the toxins and chemicals your body can’t use before sending it back to be eliminated.

The gallbladder stores bile which is produced by the liver. Bile helps with digestion by breaking down fats.

Gallstones accumulate in your liver and gall bladder from too much animal protein, dairy products and trans fats and not enough of the good fats.

The liver is so important to our well-being that it is maintained that most diseases cannot develop in the body if the liver is functioning in an efficient, healthy manner. Conversely, an unhealthy liver is very likely at the root of most serious health problems.

Our plan is to start on Monday 29th September….we are going to have 5 days of clean living followed by the Flush!  Then another few days of HEALTHY FOOD to ease back into our normal diets.  Please see this as a chance to improve your diet and not go back to bad habits.  A fresh start!

We are going to eat lots of raw food, drink green juices and smoothies and increase our hydration. Try to avoid animal products, sugar, saturated fats, caffeine and chemicals. This will prepare our bodies so the liver flush has optimum results.

Benefits we can expect :

Natural Energy boost
Improved and better skin
Clearer thinking
Strengthened Immune system
Healthier Hair
Lighter feeling
Removal of Excess waste
Helps worth stubborn WEIGHT LOSS
General sense of Wellbeing

All this can be achieved by ridding the body of all the toxins and excess waste that is clogging up our systems and preventing us from feeling as good as we can!

We would love it if you experienced this with us. We haven’t done it before and that’s why we think it’ll be great if lots of us do it together. We can be there for each other. Share our highs and lows and keep each other motivated, share smoothie and juice recipes or even a lovely raw salad idea……

We plan on documenting our journey on facebook and twitter, so you can follow us or why don’t you join us?!

Example – Things you will need:

6 Litres of pressed or freshly prepared Apple Juice

Epsom Salts – 4 tablespoons

Grapefruit ( pink )

Olive Oil – ½ glass


Start to drink approximately 1 Litre of pressed or freshly prepared apple juice a day for those 6 days.Apple juice contains malic acid which softens the gallstones.

The apple juice has a strong cleansing effect. It is possible to experience some bloating or diarrhoea during the first few days. This is due to stagnant bile being released by the liver and gall bladder.

We will send all detailed information and liver flush instructions week commencing 22nd September so keep an eye out on facebook (essential health colonics) and twitter (@daniellehealth).We would love it if you joined us on this cleansing adventure.

Follow our progress on Facebook and twitter – join in our discussion – share your own experience 

For more details or to get a copy of the Liver Flush instructions in advance please email Danielle on


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