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Quorn Mince with Lots of VEG

By October 2, 2017 No Comments

We all need to try and reduce our animal intake in some form.  Becoming vegetarian, even just a few times per week, can make a massive difference to our environment, animal welfare and our health.  Isn’t it worth giving it a go? These major factors are a big reason why I try and be mindful about my meat in take.

Its common where my clients believe fish is really good for you.  Yes it is in many ways, but if you think about this, by 2050 there will be more plastic in the sea than fish. It highlights to me, maybe fish isn’t that healthy.  As the fish are eating plastic and we eat the fish, these carcinogenic particles are slowly killing us.  We need to reduce ALL animal products to be healthier.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t necessarily think meat substitutes are very healthy, as they are processed foods. However, if you are trying to cut down on meat, but still want those familiar dishes like lasagne, chilli etc… then Quorn is a great start!

Balance is key, so vary your dishes.  If you eat meat one day, try have only veg and beans dishes the next, then a quorn dish the next, then meat again.  Give your digestion time to break down these animals products.  You’ll feel better for it.

I made myself a lovely quorn mince dish the other day, with the emphasis on the veg.

Fry an onion in coconut oil with garlic and thyme, add cajun spice, pepper and paprika.  Add a tin of tomatoes and quorn mince, peppers and mushrooms.  Gently boil some basmati rice.

Gently steam some corn and add lots of RAW leaves and tomatoes.  RAW is key to get those nutrients into your body. Look how much of my plate is VEG.  This is important when making food, add your VEG. Raw and gently steamed vegetables are great.


Veggie mince, rice and loads of VEG.















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