This is time for you to look after yourself, cleanse your system, remove unwanted toxins, hydrate and feed your body with nutrients.
Remember your digestive tract is your first line of defence, you must focus on strengthening your immune system; see my tips below.
If you want to book an appointment, please book via this link CLICK ME or email me direct.
I wanted to inform you on what’s happening with Essential Health Colonics. At present I am still practising as people will always have digestive issues, this is essential for many of my clients; I’m expecting digestive disorders to worsen during this stressful time.
Colon Hydrotherapy Clinics are not classed as ‘social’ settings and so do not fall under the social gathering category. My practice contributes to the health and well-being of you, my clients and at present, I want to stay open and help people feel better and keep on top of their health.
Southville clinic are following strict procedures to keep the clinic as clean and hygienic as possible.
Once you make a booking, the day before, you will receive a text with an update on our procedures, before entering the building to ensure everyone’s safety.
We are all in the same boat, and we will make it through this. I hope you are able to support me through this tough time and I am happy to discuss reduced rates with anyone who is struggling at present. I want to support you and need your support in return.
Thank you for your time and loyalty over the years! I wish you all the best, try to stay positive and look after your bottoms! 🙂
Stay Safe.
Lots of love
Danielle x
* Hydrate daily 2-3 litres of tepid filtered water.
*Remove waste and toxins with colonics or home enema kits.
*Try coffee enemas to cleanse the liver and gallbladder, this detoxes the body.
*Reduce dairy, meat, wheat and processed products. These foods create acidity in the body.
*Try to be more plant based and eat clean, fresh and in season foods.
*Increase fruits, vegetables, raw foods, nuts and seeds.
*Eat more greens, alkalising foods, search for the list online.
*Sleep 7-9 hours per night.
*Exercise and get lots of fresh air and sunlight.
*Chat to friends and family regularly about positive things, think to the future when this is over.
*Get more Vit C, B6 and Vit E into your system, whether supplementation or via diet. These boost your immunity.
*Reduce stress by meditation, mindfulness, yoga, walks in nature, epsom salt baths.
*Take probiotics and prebiotics daily to protect your immunity.
*Eat lots of garlic or stick it up your bum! 🙂
*Wash your hands regularly.
*Stay positive as it won’t last forever!