To enter all you have to do is write me a google review by Friday 15th October 2021!
Please go to the google search engine and type in ‘Essential Health Colonics’. Then down the righthand side of the page click ‘google reviews’ then click ‘write a review’. Voila!
Out of all the reviews, 3 people will be picked at random to WIN 1 FREECOLONIC each! Woo hoo!!!!
I appreciate your custom and support over the years and its nice for me to know how you’re getting on and whether you felt the treatment helped you? I don’t like to pester people so reviews are a good way to find out.
Many people are too scared or embarrassed to have a colonic so they continue to suffer with digestive issues. Please spread the ‘colonic love’ and let people know how these treatments helped you!
Male reviews are very welcome!!! Please don’t be shy!