
Can nuts really make a difference to your health?

By June 6, 2012 December 13th, 2015 No Comments

The answer is yes!  Even though nuts are high in fat as long as they are eaten in moderation, say a handful of nuts every day.  Then this delicious snack, which is extremely good for you, will provide your body with energy, minerals, vitamins, proteins, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.  All are essential for your body to grow, build, repair and survive.

Energy – the body needs energy so it can perform its body functions.

Minerals  and Vitamins – theses are essential for our bodies to grow, develop and stay healthy.  They have many important functions.

Proteins – help our muscles grow and repair.

Anti Oxidants – protect our bodies from diseases.

Omega 3 fatty acids – help balance your cholesterol and are great for your skin and hair.

These are just a few reasons to eat more nuts.  Research yourself and start reaping the benefits.

Enjoy feeling good!

Danielle Parkinson

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