Improve skin with hydration and green juices



So many people suffer with dry skin, skin rashes and spots.  It makes people feel insecure and down.  Issues with the skin is a sign of problems within.  You need to feed your body with goodness, rather than suppress your symptoms topically with creams, it will only come back.









Try these tips that may help improve your skin issues and your health:

  1. Colon Hydrotherapy treatments to hydrate your body and your skin. This treatment helps remove unwanted toxins that can cause skin issues.
  2. Detox – liver flushes, kidney cleanses, coffee enemas, castor oil packs, fasting, juicing.
  3. Hydrate with 2-3 litres of tepid filtered water daily.
  4. Get some sunshine and fresh air.
  5. Have a sunbed regularly (at least once per week, be sensible) to help heal the skin.
  6. Juice with lots of green vegetables, wheatgrass and spirulina, all to nourish your cells, resulting in healthy skin.
  7. Eat responsibly sourced wild or Alaskan fish to feed the skin with goodness.
  8. Eat 10 portions or more of organic fruit and vegetables, raw if you can, trying drinking lots of these wonderful nourishing foods.
  9. Try to reduce make-up and beauty products and replace with cleaner organic versions. Let the skin breath ideally.
  10. Exfoliate with only natural scrubs that do not use plastic.
  11. Only use kind oils like coconut, flaxseed, avocado, olive oil, there are many to help your skin and ease dry skin.
  12. Reduce your acidic load and avoid meat, dairy, grains, sugar, processed food and alcohol.
  13. Exercise daily in some form; swimming, running, walking, yoga, gym…
  14. Get some sleep and rest 6-8 hours every night. Switch off.

Give the body time to heal.  There is no quick fix to improving your health, but your patience will pay off, if you give it some time and give your body some love!

D Parkinson


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