
DO CERTAIN FOODS BOTHER YOUR DIGESTION? Try my new 2 hour session and get some results!

By February 26, 2018 No Comments



Why not try a double session of a food intolerance test,
followed by a colon hydrotherapy session.
Do certain foods cause you digestive symptoms? 

Maybe you feel drained of energy?

Don’t sleep well?

Are you struggling with your weight?

Do you have skin issues?

Maybe you feel anxious or down all the time?


Would you like to find out which common foods bother you?  Would you like to learn about how to improve your diet?  Would you like to try or see if another colon hydrotherapy session can help ease some of your issues. Then this 2 hour session could be for you:

  1. The first hour will be focused around food intolerance, where a test will be carried out. A small blood sample is taken from a finger-prick. The test covers 59 common foods like cows milk, whole egg, yeast, gluten… Please see the link below, for the full list of common foods this test covers.  You will receive results within the hour.
  2. The second hour will be the colon hydrotherapy treatment. This treatment lasts between 30-40 minutes.  Abdominal massage is given to aid waste and wind removal.
  3. During this 2 hour session your diet and lifestyle will be discussed, and you will be given lots of advice to help you get back on track, should this be needed.
  4. After the sessions are complete, you will be given a guidebook, all centered around food intolerance, to help you reduce these irritating foods. This book is great for recommending substitute foods, whilst your body heals and repairs.
  5. Shortly after your 2 hour session a comprehensive email is sent, detailing health advice.
  6. The main focus is to become mindful with food; then you will stay slim and healthy for the future. Balance with vitamins and minerals is key.  You will be given the knowledge to choose clean, healthy, wholesome foods in a manageable way.  The method of slowly reducing acidic foods and introducing healthy foods, is an easy and achievable process for all clients.


email Danielle to book



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